To All Twin Lakes Beach Property Owners:
The RM of Woodlands would like to advise property owners that the situation at Twin Lakes Beach is being taken very seriously. RM Council has on numerous occasions in the past demanded that the Province maintain the level of Lake Manitoba between the acceptable ranges of 810 ft. and 812 ft.
On June 20, 2014 the RM of Woodlands presented the Province with a Community Impact Assessment Report and a Resolution passed by Council requesting that funding be made available immediately in order to install Geo Tubes at a number of vulnerable sites along the shoreline of Twin Beaches. We were subsequently advised that as no disaster had taken place, no DFA program is available from which the RM could receive funding.
With the lake now sitting at or near the flood stage of 814 ft. , and with the knowledge that this will only increase, property owners are urged to take all necessary steps within their control to protect their personal property. Personal effects could be moved to higher ground, frozen food stuffs could be kept to a minimum in case of hydro outages and arranging for a pump are just a few of the steps that could be taken to prepare for a significant Wind/Wave event.
Council for the RM of Woodlands met on July 3rd, 2014 to discuss a number of flooding situations that occurred over the July long weekend, as well as the current situation at Twin Beaches . With regards to the area of Twin Beaches, Council has decided to take the following action:
1) Due to the fact that Lake Manitoba is now sitting at or near flood stage (814 ft.) and further increases are expected, Council passed a Resolution on July 3rd, 2014 requesting Disaster Financial assistance in order to undertake any necessary works required to mitigate the emergency situation at the Twin Beaches area of Lake Manitoba, within the RM of Woodlands. The establishment of a funding program is a necessary first step in order before the RM can begin to undertake various measures to mitigate the impact of a Wind/Wave event. The potential for significant damage now exists with any major wind/wave event for a number of property owners along the shoreline of Twin Beaches and as such Council feels that certain strategies could be employed which could mitigate the impact. if and when funding becomes available to finance the implementation of same.
2) The RM of Woodlands has instructed the Emergency Coordinator, Jim Townsend to arrange for the immediate delivery of Super Sandbags to the Public Works yard. This will provide property owners with a stockpile of necessary materials should they decide, on an individual basis, to arrange with a private contractor for the installation of a system of super sandbags along their shoreline. Property owners should take numerous photos before and after, as well as retain all receipts, in the event a funding program is announced at a later date. The RM recognizes that standard sandbags are virtually useless when dealing with the effects of a wind/wave event on Lake Manitoba and are primarily only used for protection of standing water.
3) Should you decide to install super sandbags we have provided you with names and contact information of contractors where you may be able to access sand:
Paul Dumont (Dumont Brothers Contracting ) Ph: 204-646-2649 / Cell: 204-7396-3388
R2G2 Excavators – Ron: 204-861-2063 / Guy: 204-739-3678
Vern &Sons Excavation Ph: 204-646-2561 / cell: 204-886-7221
Camster (Sterling Ducharme) cell: 204-886-7202
4) RM Council and their Municipal Emergency Coordinator, Jim Townsend, will continue to monitor the situation and will keep property owners advised as the situation develops.
Lynn Kauppila, CMMA
Chief Administrative Officer
Rural Municipality of Woodlands
Box 10
Woodlands, MB R0C 3H0
Fax: 204-383-5169