- Call to order (1pm)
Attending: Jack King, Alice Dent, Robert Barnes, Janet Presley.
- Minutes: AGM Pending? Executive Minutes (binder)?
Robert will drop off the binder used for minutes and send the AGM minutes to Jan once they are drafted.
3. Discussion:
a. Signing Authority – all executive members
As Treasurer, Robert will draft a letter that the executive will take to update the signing authority at the Credit Union.
b. TLBA FaceBook and webpage admin
Jack and an IT specialist who resides at the lake will become co-administrators for the Facebook and webpage. The role of IT will be design and maintenance of the sites while Jack will be spokesperson online for the Association.
c. Water Rescue – follow up action
A presentation at the AGM by Roger Gillis outlined concerns with water rescue. He outlined three options: purchase a boat; develop a list of residents volunteering the use of their boat; do nothing. A post appears on the Twin Lakes Beach Association Community Forum in line with option 2. Suggestion made re. communication using text emergency system. Will discuss with Roger Gillis.
d. Members-at- large:
- Block Captains – membership, information dissemination
Add to our volunteer base by revisiting block captains for memberships and at times other information for members.
- Member survey?
Jack will report back on the idea of surveying the members to assist with planning.
- Environment issues?
Try to find an organizer to pull together priorities for environmental issues: nets and zebra mussels – cleaning station
- Investment – Robert
Robert reported on our GIC one year investment that comes due in August. We will revisit the topic once signing authority is updated. Recommended that $20,000 be reinvested keeping the balance fluid.
4.. New Business
Discussion centred on safety concerns and possible solutions. Monitoring traffic by installing cameras at the junction of Twin and Venice S and Twin and Venice N. Permission needs be obtained for mounting location and some electrical power.
We will investigate costs and feasibility of having a defibrillator available along our roads. To be determined location and practicality.
Problem noted related to water safety – fishing off-shore at Meindl Park area and the need for a buffer area for safe swimming (no boat traffic). To be investigated for location, cost and feasibility for next meeting.
5. Adjourn