(Winnipeg Sun November 19/19) Highlights of some promises made: Increase funding for tourism promotion by 25%. Increase the highway construction budget from $350 million to $400 million over the next four years. Ask the federal government to accelerate the Lake Manitoba flood outlet process, given current high water levels. Finalize a “balanced scoreboard” reporting process …
Lake Manitoba update: Nov. 17, 2019
Winter is settling in and ice is forming on the lakes and rivers. We are now getting a good look at the level of Lake Manitoba: it is sitting at 811.55 feet this morning. Ice still appears to be affecting the gauge reading on the Waterhen River (5,862 cfs): flow on the Whitemud River continues …
RM of St Laurent- Flood Protection Plan
They are here! We will be getting about a kilometer of geotubes and the installation will be starting today – at least the preparation work. Geotubes Where : First off all locations are approximate. There are several things that determine placement and how far they will be placed in any location including the limited numbers …
RM of Woodlands-Permanent Flood Protection
Woodlands property owners are urged to check out the RM of Woodlands website at www.rmwoodlands.info. Information regarding the Permanent Flood Protection Project can be found Under Twin Lakes Beach Flood Information. This information is based on a meeting held on July 16, 2014. Please share and discuss with your Neighbours.
Rally planned for July 15, 2014
As posted on the Association of Lake Manitoba Stakeholders (ALMS) website: Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at 2:00 pm Place: Mark Peters’ farm northwest of Portage La Prairie Civic Address 40085, R.M. of Portage La Prairie Directions: From the Junction of Hwy 227 and the Portage Diversion Bridge, travel 1 mile north on West Bank …
July 13,2014 Storm Update
With several pumps including the 12 inch tractor pump, and some help from contactors and volunteers we were able to recover the area that was to be evacuated on the south part of the RM at Twin Beaches. There will be some personnel manning the pumps all night unless the wind abates. Please pass this …
Weather Warning for Sunday July 13, 2014
The forecast for the Province of Manitoba for Sunday July 13, 2014, for the south end of Lake Manitoba is very BAD!!! It is expected that a strong wind effect, with a 3 to 5 foot wind set-up from Twin Lakes Beach on the east to Delta on the south to Lynch’s point on the …
Attention Woodlands Property Owners!
Click here Woodlands Property Owners Meeting
Woodlands Declares Local State of Emergency
July 8, 2014 The Woodlands council has declared a state of local emergency due to the flood stage lake levels. Also. The province still will not commit to funding the installation of Geotubes. Rather than wait and do nothing, the RM has hired a contractor (Lakefront Restorers) to install a system of super sandbags wrapped …
Flood Update-July 8,2014
Here are a few key items of interest regarding the current flood conditions, as submitted by Jack King: Plan for shoreline protection is to install super sandbags in the ‘vulnerable’ areas of Twin. Work begins today. Materials are in short supply and will limit the coverage obviously. Current lake level: 814.3 (Westbourne) Diversion: 28,000cfs with …
Sandbag INFO
Three drop-off sites are being used for sand and empty sandbags located at: 1) The launch at the end of Twin North 2) The Beach Shack at the junction of Twin South and Twin Beach Rd 3) Meindl Park. Small sandbags will have to be filled by residents – many of us requiring assistance. Volunteers …
Manitoba Liberal Party Media Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MANITOBA NEEDS MORE ACTION, LESS TALK, TO MITIGATE CONSTANT FLOODING: MANITOBA LIBERAL PARTY Winnipeg, Manitoba – With the provincial government formally declaring a state of emergency for the flooding in Western Manitoba, the Manitoba Liberal Party has issued a call for its members to volunteer their time and donate to help …
ST. Laurent EMO Meeting Brief-July 6, 2014
Scott Forbes and Jack King represented Twin Beach at a meeting called by the EMO for St Laurent intended to share information about the flood plan and to encourage our cooperation. The RM will assign contractors to the beach communities to install super sandbags. They are starting with priority areas that were defined broadly as places …
Flood Preparedness Info
Individual Property Owner/Resident Flood Preparation 1. Those possessions that are not needed in the immediate future and are mobile should be moved to another location, such as second vehicles, trailers, building materials. 2. Make arrangements to board pets in a safe location in the event that an evacuation becomes imminent. 3. Ensure that family vehicle …
RM of St. Laurent -Local State of Emergency
RM of St. Laurent, July 4, 2014 A State of Local Emergency has been declared by Council in anticipation of higher water levels. Planning is underway for large (super) sandbag placement and other wave attenuation. Should individuals require additional sandbags, they will be available for free at the RM. You will require the equipment (ie. …
Flood Mitigation Update-June 4,2014
To All Twin Lakes Beach Property Owners: The RM of Woodlands would like to advise property owners that the situation at Twin Lakes Beach is being taken very seriously. RM Council has on numerous occasions in the past demanded that the Province maintain the level of Lake Manitoba between the acceptable ranges of 810 ft. and …
Annual General Meeting
It’s that time again!!! Come out to the Twin Lakes Beach Association’s AGM: JULY 20th, 2014 1030 am to 1:00 pm St. Laurent Legion Hall Your attendence will be appreciated!
Is a Permit Required?
It is so great to see so many people re-building, building & improving our beach community. If you are planning a project Click Here to read a pamphlet provided by the Western Interlake Planning District on why & when a permit is needed.
TO THE TWIN LAKES BEACH FLOOD ACTION COMMITTEE HOMEPAGE The ACTION COMMITTEE was formed on June 12th by the membership of the Twin Lakes Beach Association as a response to the devastation caused by the May 31st storm. Due to High Lake Levels on Lake Manitoba caused by the Portage Diversion coupled with strong winds …